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           Three Odd Tales  

Purchase eBook or audiobook only on Amazon or Barnes&Noble.  Apple eBook only

by George Thomas S.

Welcome to Creelyville: .. Slick Rick was on the run. Police were on the hunt for him after a failed robbery attempt. After racing through Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, Tennessee, he needed to get off the main road and followed an old, half-hidden road that led, to his surprise, to a town like nothing he had ever seen before. He might just wish that he hadn't. seen this one.

The Failure::... Carl Watkins was always a wannabe who never was. A life of failure found him living in a one-room dump in a building full of losers. Then, one day, the opportunity for fame came his way. Perceived opportunities, however, don't always work out as planned.

The Counselor:..:: An unlikely stranger walks into a dying town in the old west. Severe drought has brought the remaining residents to the point of desperation. The Counselor, a strange and slightly deformed old man, offers his counsel and advice. But is all advice worth heeding?





5.0 out of 5 stars A Creepy Delight

Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2023

As an author myself, I tend to read the work of other authors with a set of expectations for quality writing. The author of this book more than satisfied me as a reader.
The author describes everything... people, scenes, settings with a command of language that is quite remarkable. He uses adjectives that put you right into the story, able to visualize everything described so well that you experience the stories as though having witnessed them.
Each story has a mysterious vibe that lures you in and holds you to the end.
Each of the three tales conveyed a creepiness that was pleasant, especially the slowly growing apprehension as the tales played out.
This is a fun book, and satisfying my most critical value in any book I read... It was pure entertainment.



5.0 out of 5 stars Intriguing storylines, each tale captures the imagination

Reviewed in Canada 🇨🇦 on April 20, 2022

Each tale contains colorful characters, brilliantly written detailed descriptions and intriguing storylines; an enjoyable read from a very talented author. I'm looking forward to his next book!



5.0 out of 5 stars Jump in and see for yourself!

Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2023

Just when you think you know what’s about to happen, something unexpected does! I was really impressed with his writing and how he can be so descriptive, without revealing what may be around the corner. Very thought provoking! Loved the witty writing and how his characters can tug at your emotions.



5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely keeps your interest

Reviewed in the United States on February 20, 2022

This was a great book. All three stories kept interest and made it hard to put down.


The Resurrection of Carlo

               A sequel to The Second Coming of Angela


After a previous violent experience in Brazil that ended in a gun battle on the Rio Negro, a thousand miles up the Amazon, Thomas faces an old foe in another life-or-death situation. Carlo, this time with the help of two Colombian assassins, is out for revenge against Thomas and everyone he cares for. This battle will encompass Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Italy. Once again, the question is how many, and who, will die? 


                          Expected release March. 2025

The Vengeance of Thomas

                  A sequel to The Resurrection of Carlo

After two separate battles in Brazil with Carlo, a violent criminal with deep connections, Thomas now faces a potential third battle with the man he had thought, for the second time, was dead.  The fact that Carlo, a man hell-bent on vengeance against Thomas and anyone he cares about, would have survived again was difficult to comprehend.  The only questions were when and where the battle would take place and how many would die.

                              Expected release May 2025


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Also available on Amazon         
A SegundaVinda de
Angela                            eBook 

La Seconde Venue D' Angele
      Paperback and eBook 

Thomas DeAngelo stava dormendo alle 3 del mattino quando il telefono cominciò a squillare incessantemente. Mentre borbottava un "ciao", la voce all'altro capo lo fece balzare in piedi. La voce apparteneva a una persona che era stata dichiarata morta cinque anni prima. Era Angela, la moglie da cui si era separato prima della sua presunta morte. La sua richiesta era urgente. Era in grave pericolo e aveva bisogno del suo aiuto, che avrebbe richiesto il suo viaggio in Brasile. Alla fine accettò con riluttanza, se non altro per il bene delle sue figlie. Il viaggio per salvarla lo porterà a San Paolo, Rio, Brasilia e Manaus, a 1.000 miglia lungo il Rio delle Amazzoni. Incontrerà un'amante brasiliana che diventerà parte integrante del suo piano di salvataggio finale. Finisce nel mirino di pericolosi criminali brasiliani e newyorkesi che vogliono eliminarlo. Il tutto culmina in una resa dei conti in un villaggio indigeno abbandonato sulla riva del Rio Negro.

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Thomas DeAngelo estaba dormido a las 3 am cuando el teléfono comenzó a sonar incesantemente. Mientras murmuraba un hola, la voz del otro lado hizo que se pusiera de pie. La voz pertenecía a alguien que había sido declarado muerto 5 años antes. Era Angela, la esposa de quien había sido separado antes de su supuesta muerte. Su súplica era urgente. Ella estaba en grave peligro y necesitaba su ayuda, lo que requería que él viajara a Brasil. En última instancia, él accedió de mala gana, aunque solo fuera por el bien de su hijas. El viaje para rescatarla lo llevaría a Sao Paulo, Río, Brasilia y Manaus, 1,000 millas río arriba del Amazonas. Se encontraría con un interés amoroso brasileño que se convierte en parte integral de su plan de rescate final, así como con peligrosos criminales. de Brasil y Nueva York, que en última instancia buscaban eliminarlo, todo culmina en un enfrentamiento final en un pueblo indígena abandonado a orillas del Río Negro.

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