The Second Coming of Angela
"Less than two weeks ago, I was just a working guy, doing my job and going home tired every night. Since then, I’ve discovered that someone I thought had been dead for five years had actually been kidnapped and that I was the one who had to rescue her. I’ve been back and forth to Brazil twice, stolen a dead man’s identity, ripped off a violent Brazilian criminal for a quarter of a million dollars, involved Canada Customs in a scam, been held prisoner, escaped and been on the run throughout Brazil one step ahead of Carlo, a man who wants me dead. Why wouldn’t he? After all, I also ripped off his bank account for a million dollars. Oh, lest I forget, I managed to get myself on the hit lists of two violent criminals. As for how tomorrow goes? Well, tomorrow I could have the blood of a lot of people on my hands. Or I could die. I’m Thomas DeAngelo. You can find me in the pages of The Second Coming of Angela."

5.0 out of 5 stars Suspense Thriller
Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2023
This is a very entertaining and well-constructed suspense thriller. The protagonist is put in a perilous situation where he must risk his life to save the life of his ex-wife, whom he believed to be dead. The story comes with a full description of travels in Brazil which is entertaining on its own. Each chapter provides a discrete scene, but I found a constant desire to continue reading. It has a very satisfying and complete ending but still leaves open the possibility of taking it further in subsequent novels. But it doesn’t trick you.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very intriguing
Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2023
I purchased this book as well as "Three odd tales", very good writing, very good reading, keeps you intrigued. I am not an avid reader, but I could not put these books down.
5.0 out of 5 stars Captured my interest!
Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2024
I enjoyed reading The Second Coming of Angela from beginning to end! I was given the book as a gift and it is exactly the type of reading I enjoy.
5.0 out of 5 stars Intriguing from the beginning
Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2023
This was an interesting read. You also find out at the end that the author didn't get it published for 17 years, having sat with it until someone they knew pushed to read it and encouraged them. This has a lot of twists and turns and was enjoyable for a thriller read.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Page Turner
Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2023
A fantastic story of betrayal, love and bad guys from Brazil to Queens NYC. A very exciting and rather fast paced story, I could barely put it down to get my chores done. If you’re looking for a different story with a lot of twists and turns this is it. Happy reading!
Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2022
I enjoyed this book, well-written and captivating.
5.0 out of 5 stars An exciting adventure
Reviewed in Canada on November 4, 2023
Definitely a page turner and an exciting adventure! The author does a great job developing a protagonist that you’re truly rooting for. His supporting characters draw you in to the exciting story as well. I also very much enjoy the attention to detail in terms particulars with regard to locations in the book and aspects of the adventure within.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very compelling story
Reviewed in Canada on September 16, 2022
I liked the plot and the pace of this book. The believable characters made it easy to get into the story, and difficult to put it down. I hope to find more to read from this author.
5.0 out of 5 stars Superb plotline, believable characters
Reviewed in Canada on March 3, 2022
The novel is interesting and fast paced, intriguing and surprising; characters are well rounded and believable. I can't wait to read the sequel!

Thomas DeAngelo stava dormendo alle 3 del mattino quando il telefono cominciò a squillare incessantemente. Mentre borbottava un "ciao", la voce all'altro capo lo fece balzare in piedi. La voce apparteneva a una persona che era stata dichiarata morta cinque anni prima. Era Angela, la moglie da cui si era separato prima della sua presunta morte. La sua richiesta era urgente. Era in grave pericolo e aveva bisogno del suo aiuto, che avrebbe richiesto il suo viaggio in Brasile. Alla fine accettò con riluttanza, se non altro per il bene delle sue figlie. Il viaggio per salvarla lo porterà a San Paolo, Rio, Brasilia e Manaus, a 1.000 miglia lungo il Rio delle Amazzoni. Incontrerà un'amante brasiliana che diventerà parte integrante del suo piano di salvataggio finale. Finisce nel mirino di pericolosi criminali brasiliani e newyorkesi che vogliono eliminarlo. Il tutto culmina in una resa dei conti in un villaggio indigeno abbandonato sulla riva del Rio Negro.
Also available on Amazon
A SegundaVinda deAngela eBook
La Seconde Venue D' Angele
Paperback and eBook

Thomas DeAngelo estaba dormido a las 3 am cuando el teléfono comenzó a sonar incesantemente. Mientras murmuraba un hola, la voz del otro lado hizo que se pusiera de pie. La voz pertenecía a alguien que había sido declarado muerto 5 años antes. Era Angela, la esposa de quien había sido separado antes de su supuesta muerte. Su súplica era urgente. Ella estaba en grave peligro y necesitaba su ayuda, lo que requería que él viajara a Brasil. En última instancia, él accedió de mala gana, aunque solo fuera por el bien de su hijas. El viaje para rescatarla lo llevaría a Sao Paulo, Río, Brasilia y Manaus, 1,000 millas río arriba del Amazonas. Se encontraría con un interés amoroso brasileño que se convierte en parte integral de su plan de rescate final, así como con peligrosos criminales. de Brasil y Nueva York, que en última instancia buscaban eliminarlo, todo culmina en un enfrentamiento final en un pueblo indígena abandonado a orillas del Río Negro.